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Goniurosaurus kwangsiensis_Photo by YANG

Image: Yang Jianhuan

Species Victim Impact Statements (SVIS)

Each Species Victim Impact Statement provides a guide for prosecutors and judges


The SVIS provide information on conservation value, ecosystem impact through

exploitation, population depletion and food chain effects, current monetary value of species on

the black market, welfare concerns for particular species in harvesting and transport, invasive

species concerns, and disease and pathogen concerns (including potential carriers of zoonotic


  Each SVIS also provides information about existing conservation forensics techniques, such as DNA and stable isotope analysis, that can be used to effectively prosecute cases.

Birds: Helmeted Horbill

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Almost a quarter of all bird species are now traded

Birds are trafficked for pet trade, meat and body parts


Click on the images in the gallery below for information on bird species included in SVIS 

Reptiles: Japanese Leaf Turtle


More that a third of all reptile species are now in trade

 Turtles and tortoises are some of the most commonly trafficked animals

Click on the images in the gallery below for information on reptile species included in SVIS 

Fish: Humphead (Napoleon) wrasse


Click on the images in the gallery below for information on fish and mammal species included in SVIS 

For information and enquiries

or to request Species Victim Impact Statements from Amanda Whitfort

Law Faculty, 10/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Rd, Hong Kong SAR, China

© 2021 by the SVIS Initiative

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